Unique Fundraising Ideas
To create a crowd-drawing, money-making event you need to keep in mind the skills and gifts your organizing team has. Also bear in mind what you have in your locality that you could use? Meld these two together to create your own unusual event.
To succeed with an unusual fundraiser you need to have your own networking and good connections with individuals or organizations you perceive can help make your fundraiser successful. Prepare a list of contacts and their professions, perhaps contact with an author, circus entertainer, professional singer, tattoo artists, actor, sports person could be turned to your advantage - bring them well placed publicity and with this event you have an opportunity for putting cash to a good cause.
Using Churches, school, local community you can check on what talent you have in hand and assign them to the respective events. This give people an opportunity to get known for their talents and also helps you become better known in the community, which will help a long way for your future fund raising events.
To make use of other greater ideas which have worked for others check in your library or on the internet, and also a group brainstorm to discover what other fundraising ideas exist. This will help you focus on the idea that will work for you.
Useful Resources
True Fundraiser Stories
A Bank of genuine real life stories written by the fundraisers themselves, on how the targets were set and achieved.